Panoramic Screen on the World News!

By:  Grazyna Witkowska Date: 18th May 2019


I don’t know about you but I only watch news infrequently… Too much doom and gloom. It makes it easy to feel deflated and fall into a learned sense of helplessness. So I don’t pay too much of my attention to what’s reported on the news. I keep my view of the world as panoramic as I can. Sure bad things happen. Good things happen too. And for me it has been a matter of a learned focus that helps me feel positive about life, motivated about my work, and full of confidence about the unfolding future.

Every time a person comes to me wanting to do a kinesiology session for their pet, I see a manifestation of deep love and it helps me to affirm my confidence in a positive future for the world. Because, when I think about someone’s decision to nurture their pet with kinesiology, this is not just an expression of an obligation to look after their animal. Sure there are recommended things to do for each type of pet: vaccinations, worming, desexing… When an animal breaks a leg – take them to the vet. Simple. But when a person asks for kinesiology that, to me, indicates much greater level of commitment. It is not just digital, black or white, state of either being healthy of being sick. It requires much greater level of intimacy to know when the animal is a little ‘off-colour’.   Getting help rebalancing animal’s energy when the subtle signs of stress first show up is always better. Unnoticed and unaddressed these can turn into less subtle signs of distress: such as medically unjustified vomiting, peeing in new (undesired by humans) places, or attacking your favourite couch.

A cat I had as a child would give us clear messages how unacceptable it was to demote her in any way in the family structure. One day my mum got a beautiful bunch of carnations. And all our human family members admired the bunch that was put in the place of pride on the main table in a beautiful crystal vase. …As soon as there were no humans in the room, our cat got on the table and bit each and every flower just below its head. So when we next looked, all carnations look like people with broken necks, their heads hanging sadly from their stems. Of course we didn’t get angry with the cat. We thought there must be some mineral in the stems that she needed and so she bit the carnations… until something else happened.

Another time we noticed that when my mum got upset with the cat and told her off (verbally) the cat would jump on the window seal and start chewing on my mother’s favourite pot plant. This happened a few times and that’s when we finally connected the dots! This was obviously retaliation for doing to her something she was not ok with. But how did she know that this was my mother’s favourite plant? Hmm, she obviously payed attention! How many humans do that and pick up slight but very relevant pieces of information?

Anyway, we finally (!) realised that our cat knows so much about us, that she is clear about how she wants to be treated, and that we all live a negotiated family dynamic. The cat knew when this dynamic was upset – even if the humans missed it. We finally understood that our cat had to kill carnations – not because she needed some vitamins but rather because she could not tolerate an intruder muscling in on her status in the family.

Being aware of the subtle messages from our animals will improve their wellbeing and will bring us more fulfilment: we will appreciate our relationship with our animals in a more panoramic way and we will find new wonderful ways to interact with them. Moreover, we will be able to extend this sense of ‘panoramic appreciation’ to other areas of our lives and to other humans in our lives.

A few simple tricks to help along the way are:

Make an intention each day for, say, 3 weeks, to pay total attention to your animal for a period of, say ½ hour, that you spend together each day.

Allow the information (in the form of large and subtle behaviour) to seep into your ‘Inner Knowing’/ your Unconscious Mind. Do not analyse it.

Optionally – incorporate some tactile interaction with your animal. Whatever is suitable for your animals type. (Email me if you’d like to receive my about-to-be-released video with some kinesiology techniques for pets. Make sure you tell me what animal you have (type and key characteristics eg shy, reserved, demanding…) so I can include any additional pointers for you in the return email).

Once a week reflect on what you are learning from these focused interactions between you and your animal (perhaps in your meditation or on a your walk in nature). Take a few notes in your journal. – Feel free to share your experiences and stories with me and this community of readers.

Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis

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