Upcoming Events
The Power of Touch
Remember how powerful touch can be to express your feelings, to support another person, to heal an emotional hurt…
Energy Healing and how to use it to help our pets
Learn about energy healing modalities, try new techniques on your pets, and observe the feedback they give you.
The Power of Touch
Discover new ways to touch your pet and learn how this can improve your rapport and bring a greater wellbeing to you both.
Past Events
Chick Chat Club – December
There comes a time in any animal guardian’s life when they have to face their animal’s passing, a difficult time for every animal guardian.
Dealing with Separation Anxiety – Introduction
Does your dog whines when you leave home? Does your heart break? Would you like to change it? It is easier than you think!
Dreams, Unconscious Mind, and Hypnosis
Learn how to use your Unconscious Mind, dreams, and self-hypnosis to bring forth greater creativity, wellbeing, and authenticity.
Chick Chat Club – October
Have you ever experienced energy healing – such as kinesiology or acupuncture? Did you know that animals can greatly benefit from energy healing?
Your Intuitive Guidance to Brilliance
Catch those elusive intuitive ideas, ground them, incorporate them in your life and admire the brilliance you create.
Learn Self-Hypnosis (Workshop)
Experience the power of Self-Hypnosis. Use sample scripts and develop your own. Troubleshoot to create even better results.
Introduction to Self-Hypnosis
Learn how to use self-hypnosis as a powerful tool available to you anytime you want it – a class focussed on the practical applications.
Unconscious Minds and Hypnosis
Learn about the relative strengths of Conscious and Unconscious Minds, how we can harness their power, and why hypnosis can be helpful.
Chick Chat Club – September
The best diet to keep chickens happy, healthy and beautiful!
Chickens raised by hens learn what is good to eat and what is not. Sadly, now-a-days we often get little ‘orphan’ chicks hatched in incubators.
Chick Chat Club – August
What does it mean free-range eggs and are all free-range eggs the same….
When you choose free-range eggs do you think these eggs came from chickens who go out foraging in a green grass every day?
Book your transformation!
Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis
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