Loving Animals and Eating Animals – Part 2 Our Reflections

Monday May 20th, 2019
8.30pm to 9.30pm

This meeting is the continuation from our last month’s meeting. I trust all people who participated in part 1 will be able to rejoin this month. If you are a person who couldn’t participate last month, do join in but be prepared that we will not have the time to go over the details of the previous meeting and will be focusing on considered reflections of the previous meeting participants.
Please feel free to suggest topics you are interested in – you will get to work with what you are truly interested in and we will be able to expand our horizons even further!
This is a 40min online meeting through the zoom. I will post the link few days before the scheduled meeting date.

Book your transformation!

Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis

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