Loving Animals and Eating Animals – Part 1
Monday April 15th, 2019
8.30pm to 9.30pm
Whenever I witness a discussion between vegans and meat-eaters it never leads to any kind of common agreement… So why would I bother to stir up this subject again? Partly, because one of our members suggested it, and partly, because I want to be able to clarify and understand my own choices.
Let’s be brave. Let’s share our views on that subject without guilt, without judgment, without fear. Let’s do it in the spirit of Dialectica, the way they did it in the Ancient Greece where the aim of dialoguing was to gain a greater understanding on the subject rather than win an argument or appear morally superior in our position.
I anticipate that we will tackle this subject in 2 sessions. In the first one we will put our considered views on the table. In the second meeting we will share our reflections on what we learned from that first session experience. Having a month in-between will allow things fall into place and perhaps create some interesting patterns.
In order to get the most of our first session please reflect on your attitude to eating animals so when we all bring our considered
Are you in?
This is a 40min online meeting through the zoom. I will post the link few days before the scheduled meeting date.
Book your transformation!
Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis
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