Learn Self-Hypnosis (Workshop)

Date/Time: Saturday 24th September and Saturday 8th October from 3pm-4:30pm

Location: Online

Investment: $49

Experience the power of Self-Hypnosis. Use sample scripts and develop your own. Troubleshoot to create even better results.


Pre-requisite: Introduction to Self-Hypnosis

This workshop focuses on practical applications of self-hypnosis. You will build on your learnings from Introduction to Self-Hypnosis, be introduce to assorted hypnosis script samples, develop and refine your own scripts, and receive individual support and feedback. 

This workshop is divided into two parts. There are two weeks between these parts to allow you to practice your self-hypnosis and observe its results. 

In the second part of the workshop you will build on your 2-week experience, learn how to use your observations to further maximise the effectiveness of your self-hypnosis, and get individual feedback. Selected script or two (most relevant to all participants) will be run for the entire group and their experiences reflected on in order to gain further appreciation of script refining process. 

Book your transformation!

Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis

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