Crop Circles – a hoax or a genuine phenomenon?

Date/Time: 6th July at 5am to 7am


Online – Meetup

Most of crop circles we hear about happen in Wiltshire, UK. When I travelled there I was surprised – not by the crop circles (I knew they could be there) – but by the incredible polarity between people who lived there. There were those who watched, documented and researched this phenomenon and there were others who simply ignored it. Many of my lively conversations with the locals would reach an uncomfortable silence when I uttered these two short words: ‘crop circles’. Then again, other conversations – especially those that involved beer – would have quite an opposite reaction and many guys claimed sole responsibility for making all local crop circles!

So join me for this meetup to learn:
(1) What distinguishes man-made and non-man-made crop circles

(2) What would it take to make them. What evidence exists for and against crop circles being man-made

(3) Where in the world crop circles have been found

(4) Who researches crop circles and what do they say about it

(5) How could we begin to engage with crop circle patterns in our lives

This meetup will be conducted via zoom. It will last 1h and 45 min with a short break in the middle.
Registrations will close 2 days before the meetup. Passcode for the meeting will be send to all registered participants.

Book your transformation!

Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis

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