Chick Chat Club: Coping with Loss
Date/Time: 21/12 at 7pm to 8pm
Open Forum
There comes a time in any animal guardian’s life when they have to face their animal’s passing.
Indeed, times when we are facing our animal’s passing are universally difficult for all animal guardians (and other members of our extended families).
In such challenging times, full of grief, how do we decide what is best for our animals? Do we help them to cross that ‘rainbow bridge’? What are our options? How can we even think straight at such times of an extreme personal stress and anxiety? How do we cope with our own grief?
These decisions are never easy. As guardians, we might feel that it is our job to ‘fix’ every situation, to make them better. But there are limits to what we can do even if we have access to the best resources. We hate to see our animals in pain but how do we choose the moment when dying becomes a better option than living with pain?
Book your transformation!
Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis
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