Our modern, fast moving world is filled with stress… but some of us know that our animals can create for us a sanctuary where we can breathe with ease, de-stress, and grow into better and happier versions of ourselves.
There have been many studies conducted about how being in a presence of an animal (especially familiar animal) can reduce blood pressure, lower cortisol in the blood, or elevate the ‘happiness hormones’: serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin.
In this respect animals are looking after us extremely well in this era of fast living. And as a professional kinesiologist who focuses on helping animals I get to meet a lot of people who, in turn, do their very best to keep their animals at the optimum physical and emotional health.
And there are many issues to think through when one is looking after an animal.
A little while ago I started a Meet Up group in Adelaide “Animals and Us: Intellectual and Philosophical Explorations”. We connect via zoom and explore our views about various animal related issues. It’s not about what is right or wrong. Rather, it is about providing information and exploring different perspectives. In turn, that exploration is to help each individual to choose for themselves what path they want to follow – be it an existing path, or a path that they will create themselves. A path that is tailored to fit this individual’s cosmology and their sense of morality.
Through these blogs I want to share my knowledge and my reflections on different topics. And I am looking forward to hear your views.
Inner Compass
Do you remember last time, when something someone did, moved you? What did you find admirable about that person? What do you admire most in yourself? What makes a life unquestionably worthwhile?
Many Blessings of Animal Companions
Countless people enjoy, and value, the companionship of animals. These could be dogs, cats, horses… In fact, any animal can be a great companion.
When Zeus Triumphed
I wonder whether you watched this documentary on SBS about the Titanic… It demonstrated that there was a fire onboard the ship which was noticed even before the ship left its original port of Belfast.
Epiphany on Platform 4
What do you do with your anger? Bottle it or let it loose? My epiphany on becoming a better version of yourself…
Indulgence or Inspiration
As I spend more time at home in this time of social separation I seem to indulge a little more…. I just re-watched one of my favourite films “The Last Samurai”. Have you ever watched a movie more than once?
The Times They Are A-Changin
What an exquisitely beautiful creature is a butterfly…. Recently, I visited Kuranda’s Butterfly Sanctuary and was thrilled to see so many butterflies all around me.
The Threshold
Imagine you have been travelling for a long time. Perhaps you are feeling tired from the long trip.
My Destiny Unfolding
The news about the unprecedented fires in Australia must have reached the furthest corners of the earth…
Thinking like a cat
Have you ever been coaxed by a cat to climb to the roof? I have. Believe me, I was very surprised that that could happen.
Reconnecting to our essence
I rarely remember dreams but one night I had the most wonderful dream and it was so vivid… I dreamed that I was a small baby, probably not yet being able to crawl.
Dogs as experts on emotional confidence
Some 6 months ago I had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with Jaye, a gorgeous Border Collie. Her people were away and I took her to the park every day.
Perfection of being truly me
Japanese people value an item with a flaw more than they value a flawless item. That object is more valuable because it is unique. Hmm… there is a much greater truth in this point of view.
Evolve yourself!
Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis
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