Chick Chat Club: Meditating With Chickens

Date/Time: 20/7

Open Forum



We all need time to relax, reflect and find your bearings. Meditation can provide us the space to do just that.

If you have chickens you might have already discovered that they can create a very relaxing space where you can contemplate. If you haven’t mastered relaxing with chickens yet – do join us and discover different ways to do that. You can start by observing them, or relax and enter the hypnotic state while listening to their chatter. You can use the chickens as an excuse to sit in the garden in a lotus position meditating… or you can even ask a chicken to give you their perspective on life while relaxing in the garden.

In this meeting you will have a chance to experience that sensation of ‘getting an answer’ (or perhaps a clue) from a chicken so do bring along a question with which you need clarification.

Catch you soon!

Book your transformation!

Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis

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