Our Tolerance Levels towards Animals vs Humans
Date/Time: 17 June at 8.30 pm
Location: Online Webinar
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This month’s discussion topic aims to explore how our tolerance towards animals measures up to our tolerance towards our fellow humans.
Our pets are largely delightful familiars, but every now and then they can behave in ways that can be challenging. What kinds of things has your pet done to test your patience? Can you describe your thought processes in managing your reaction to the behaviour? Would you be more or less able to muster understanding if it were someone else’s pet, or a wild animal? When a human does something you don’t like, do you apply the same thought processes to pacify yourself, or do you apply different standards to humans? Should humans “know better”, or are we largely governed by the same instinctual responses and programmed reactivity that characterizes animal behaviour?
Our guest facilitator for this meeting is our active group participant, animal lover, and an exceptional human being: Darlene Harrison!
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Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis
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