Everyday Animal Healing Skills
Date/Time: 10th and 17th July at 10am to 4:30pm
Crows Nest Centre
2 Ernest Pl, Crows Nest, NSW 2065
So you want the best for your animals. You want them to thrive. Why not support them with easy and very effective energy healing?
In this workshop you will learn well tested Kinesiology, Acupressure and T-Touch techniques to support your animals in illness, old age, and through times of distress – such as, moving house, changing the makeup of your family, dealing with separation anxiety, or easing disharmony between existing animals.
You will also learn and practice working on animals via a human surrogate. This will allow you to assist animals of any size and regardless whether they are right in front of you or hundreds of miles away.
Read more and book at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/everyday-animal-healing-skills-10-july-and-17-july-2021-tickets-157614658687
People who completed Touch For Health 2 (or equivalent) can join the workshop on Day-2 and enrol at half price at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/everyday-animal-healing-skills-17-july-2021-tickets-157786863757
Cost for both days: $498
Cost for one day (TFH2 Graduates): $249
Early Bird Price (by 12th June): 10% Off
Book your transformation!

Grażyna Witkowska - Kinesiology and Hypnosis
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